Ingredients (for 4 people)
1 celery root
1 celery heart
1 head butter lettuce
1/2 lb cured ham or tongue
3 tbsp olive oil
juice of half lemon
salt and pepper
1 jar of Taste for Luxury’s whole Black Summer Truffle 20g
1/2 tbsp of Taste for Luxury’s Truffle oil
Cooking instructions
Preparation: Peel the celery root and cut into matchstick pieces. Cut the celery into thin slices horizontally. Cut the ham or tongue into two thick slices end then dice it. Dissolve the salt in lemon juice and mix with the olive oil and truffle oil. Dress the two types of celery together with lemon/salt mixture. Line a salad bowl with the lettuce leaves. Place the celery mixture on the leaves, with diced meat on top. Sprinkle truffle shavings over the salad.